Lets say you sell electrical transformers so to you the term “transformers” is the most obvious. If you did manage to achieve that term your bounce rate would go through the roof and the user behavior/intent would clearly show that you do not belong on that page. There are more people searching for the toy or the movie than for electrical transformers. By ranking for electrical transformers would both a super relevant term but have a very low bounce rate, the user intent when searching electrical transformers is very clearly someone looking for electrical transformers. This falls under Google’s RankBrain where its trying to find words that have similar meanings and which similar looking words are actually very different.
Another big factor is domain authority. By building links from sites that Google already trusts, that have high domain authority themselves your sites authority comes up. The more powerful your site becomes the more competitive the search terms that you can achieve. Google is in itself a big math problem, solving the equation gets you results.
Mobile friendly has become a extremely high ranking factor. At one point the top of the market were the only people on smartphones, then it was the top and the bottom as the bottom of the market used it as their only computer. Now everyone uses their phones far more than a desktop. So your site needs to be mobile optimized. This includes another ranking factor speed. On a phone it has to be fast to load quickly or the people will simply leave. Google is now ranking sites based on mobile first so its vital these two factors be included in any optimization.
If you are wanting people to fill out a RFQ then you had better have a SSL certificate on your site. At this point Google is starting to use it as a small ranking factor. Eventually it will be a requirement no matter what so its best to deal with it now rather than later.
We eat sleep and drink digital marketing if your manufacturing company needs first pages we can help. Give us a call today.